Back to Sierra Leone and then to Europe
When we returned to Sierra Leone in 1971, Sheka accepted a position as a lecturer at N’Jala University while I worked at the university library. One more child, Isata, was born in 1972.
After a year at the university, Sheka was drafted into the diplomatic service and we remained active and senior members of the diplomatic corps for the next ten years, based in the UK for one year, Germany for 5 and a half years and Belgium, for just over three years.
During this very busy period of our lives, we were blessed with two more children: Foday Amara and Yabome and I was also able to successfully complete an undergraduate degree in History and a graduate degree in International Relations.

Political Career of Sheka Kanu
When we decided to return home in 1981, Sheka started a new career in mainstream politics and held senior cabinet posts for almost ten years. During this phase of our lives, we were also engaged in national development projects and philanthropic work to benefit numerous communities and individuals.
However, his political career ended on a disappointing note, as he was imprisoned following a military coup and then held under house arrest for a number of years. Unfortunately, he fell ill in 1997 and died a year later in 1998.